Nov 14, 2023
DIVE's VEpioneer wins Saxon State Prize for Design
DIVE wins the special prize for user-centered interface design at Sächsischer Staatspreis für Design (Saxon State Prize for Design).

Gösta Reißmann
"The straightforward and minimalistic design of the VEpioneer makes this complex technology easily accessible." This verdict from the jury earned DIVE the special prize for user-centered interface design at yesterday's Sächsischer Staatspreis für Design (Saxon State Prize for Design).
The VEpioneer is based on DIVE's Hyperspectral Vision technology and introduces 1000-colour imaging to the market. Powered by AI and machine learning, it makes industrial production processes in the semiconductor industry more reliable and efficient.
We would like to thank our partners and funding bodies for their support. DIVE is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and the European Social Fund as part of the EXIST research transfer program (funding reference: 03EUTSN217). DIVE is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Just Transition Fund.